About the Podcast
They look alike, they talk alike, they even live across the street from one another. But when it comes to the debate over the paranormal, these two sisters couldn’t be more opposite. Listen in, while one sister tries to convince the other that ghosts do, in fact, exist. They may never get to the bottom of the truth, but they’ll sure laugh a lot while trying.
Meet The Hosts

Erin-the believer

Meghann-the skeptical one
Erin and Meghann were born and raised in Kentucky: specifically, Oldham County (in case you are also a Kentuckian, where everyone introduces themselves by the county they are from). Growing up, the sisters always enjoyed watching The X Files together and shared a general fascination with the paranormal. It wasn’t until the pandemic hit that they had enough time to discover their stark difference in opinion about whether ghosts really exist. This, along with the need to grasp onto something more exciting than pandemic life, was the breeding ground for the podcast My Skeptical Sister.